La gestión educativa para la inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad

The right to quality education for persons with disabilities is guaranteed by national laws and international agreements; the principle of equity and inclusion (organic law of bilingual intercultural education) allows us to reflect about the current organization of the school to implement this right, translated into inclusion actions planned according to diverse dimensions of school management: direction, academia, management and the community. This study explored these actions inserted in the dimensions of the school management of 34 schools of basic education from Quito, selected by simple random sampling. The research had a descriptive-correlational character with a qualitative-quantitative methodology. Questionnaires were applied to 441 teachers and 436 parents, semi-structure interview to 34 managers, observation sheet and data collection. We used a weighted percentage rating scale to rate educational management: very good, good, regular and not done. 330 students with disabilities were found, with intellectual disabilities being the most frequent. Educational institutions do not have physical accessibility, nor have adapted material and didactic resources. its main difficulty is the lack of teacher training, followed by the number of students per classroom. The research showed that the highest percentage of actions on educational inclusion in all dimensions was located in the regular value scale, that is to say that it does not reach to develop and interrelate, from the actors' own responsibility, the processes of inclusion of students with disability.
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