Romatoid artritli hastalarda kardiyak sempatovagal aktivitenin kalp hızı değişkenliği ile değerlendirilmesi

Objectives: It has been reported that increased semspathic nerve system activity due to infalammatory stress and it cause disturbance of heart rate variability (HRV) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In this study, it was assessed cardiac sempatovagal activity by noninvasive parameters such as HRV in patients with RA. Materials and methods: 49 patients with RA and age-matched 28 healthy subjects as control group were ensrolled to this study. Clinical and laboratory parameters of all subjects were assessed and 24-hour electrocardiosgraphic Holter monitoring were performed to all of them. Results: Minimum, maximum and mean heart rate were significantly higher while mean RR interval were signifiscantly lower in patients with RA when compared with constrols. In addition, among time domain HRV parameters, SDNN, SDANN ve triangular index were significantly lowser in patients with RA (p
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