Recovery potential of hepatocytes from inhibition of albumin secretion by cadmium

The aim of this study was to examine albumin production, a typical liver‐specific function, in hepatocytes treated with Cd and to examine the reversibility of the perturbations induced by the toxic metal. Cultures of freshly isolated rat hepatocytes were exposed to increasing amounts of Cd in modified Leibowitz L‐15 medium for 20 h; the cells were then allowed to recover by further incubation in Cd‐free medium for an additional period of 20 h. The levels of albumin secreted into the extracellular medium were determined by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and were found to be reduced by Cd in a concentration‐dependent fashion over the first 20 h. Inhibition was seen at Cd concentrations that did not cause any loss of cellular viability (up to 0.5 μM Cd), as judged from the release of lactate dehydrogenase by the cells. After replacement of the exposure medium by Cd‐free medium, the same pattern of diminished albumin secretion was obtained, revealing the persistence of the cytotoxic effects when recovery c...
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