Специфические белки теплового и холодового стресса устойчивости сортов винограда различного экологогеографического происхождения к абиотическим факторам зимнего и летнего периодов

The article presents the results of studies of the expressiveness of genetic systems for the adaptation of grape varieties of various ecological-geographical origin to low temperatures in a state of organic rest and high temperatures in the summer period on the example of proteins with peroxidase activity. Specifi c proteins of cold and heat stress were identifi ed. A large peroxidase activity was established in the grapevine grape varieties Kristall, Dostoyny and Krasnostop AZOS, which characterizes their increased resistance to oxidative stress during the winter period. Using the method of artifi cial freezing on the basis of histochemical studies, it was confi rmed that the varieties Kristall, Dostoyny, Krasnostop AZOS are highly frost-resistant (the starch content in the small-cell core zone is 5.0 points), the Vostorg variety is frostresistant (4.6 points), the Aligote and Zarif varieties are medium-frost resistant (4.4 points and 4.3, respectively). The amount and molecular weight of high temperature stress proteins was determined. It was established that the varieties Dostoyny, Krasnostop AZOS and Vostorg are more resistant to high-temperature and water stress, which is caused by a higher content of heat shock proteins with a molecular weight of 80, 70 and 60 kDa. Under the infl uence of water stress in the model experiment on the leaves of grape varieties, a decrease in the protein content was revealed: with a molecular weight (MW) of 100, 80 and 70 kDa at the Dostoyny variety, with MW 100, 80, 70 kDa at the Krasnostop AZOS variety, with MW 110, 100, 80 kDa at the Vostorg variety, with MW 100 and 80 kDa at the Aligote variety. In the Zarif variety, the content of high-molecular proteins (250, 130, 110 kDa) signifi cantly decreased.
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