Plane wave scattering by a finite array of conducting cylinders partially buried in a ground plane: TM polarization

The problem of scattering by a finite array of infinitely long perfectly conducting circular cylinders located on the surface of a conducting ground plane or partially buried into it due to an obliquely incident plane electromagnetic wave is solved by an exact procedure based on the method of images. The incident field, the reflected field from the ground plane in the absence of cylinders and the scattered fields from different cylinders and their images are expressed in terms of cylindrical vector wavefunctions. The boundary conditions of the vanishing of the tangential electric field on each one of the cylinders are then imposed and this procedure leads to a set of coupled infinite systems of equations for the even and odd mode expansion coefficients of the scattered fields originating from each cylinder. These equations are truncated at a large fixed number and the coefficients are determined by a Gaussian elimination procedure. The scattered far field from the array is then determined by summing contributions from each cylinder. The variation of the scattered field with the different parameters of the array like the electrical radius, spacings between cylinders, height parameter and the angle of incidence is studied in detail. Numerical results are presented for the TM polarization in a three-cylinder configuration for those cylinders whose electrical radius is in the Rayleigh and lower resonance regions.
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