The clinical management of children and adolescents who have experienced sexual violence: Technical considerations for PEPFAR programs.

This document serves as a guide for primary health providers on the appropriate care of children and adolescents who have experienced sexual violence and exploitation and is based on current evidence-based practices. Its recommendations should inform the efforts of PEPFAR implementers and other partners engaged in the clinical care of children as well as in HIV / AIDS prevention care and treatment to strengthen community-based responses to children who have experienced sexual violence and exploitation. The document is meant to be used by service providers in health care clinics to include clinicians behavioral scientists social workers pediatric care providers child protection workers HIV specialists and child-focused clinical service providers. The focus is specifically on the clinical management of children who experience sexual violence and exploitation but communities should also strive to develop comprehensive systems to respond to the needs and rights of these children. The comprehensive response includes government (e.g. clinics law enforcement and judiciary policymakers social welfare / child protective services counselors) and nongovernmental and civil society organizations.
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