Structure cristalline du perchlorate double d'oxonium et de nitryle

The compound H 3 O + NO 2 + (ClO 4 − ) 2 is monoclinic, space group C2/c, a=9.854; b=5.745; c=15.122 A and β=109.50° with Z=4. The structure has been refined by full-matrix least-squares to a final agreement factor R(F) of 0.093. In this structure the NO 2 + cation is centrosymmetric and linear while the oxonium cation: H 3 O + which is bounded through hydrogen bonds to neighbouring perchlorates appears to be fairly disordered around the two fold axis at room temperature Le compose H 3 O + NO 2 + (ClO 4 − ) 2 cristallise dans le groupe C2/c avec a=0,854, b=5,745 et c=15,122 A, β=109,5°, Z=4. Affinement jusqu'a R=0,093. L'ion NO 2 + est centrosymetrique et parfaitement lineaire alors que l'ion H 3 O + , relie par liaisons hydrogene aux ions perchlorates environnants, apparait desordonne autour de l'axe d'ordre 2 a temperature ambiante
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