Preparation and radiochemical control of 99mTc labeled blood pool agent for in vivo labelling of the red blood cells.

Our aim was to prepare cheap blood pool imaging kits by simplified method to overcome the burden on purchase department of MINAR, Nishtar Hospital, Multan, Pakistan. Secondarily, prompt supply of kits should save the time of patient during transportation. A total of 24 subjects selected for this study were equal- ly divided into two groups. Mixture of stannous chloride and sodium pyrophosphate solution at pH 7 was inject- ed to these subjects. Various concentrations (ranging from 200 to 800 µg) of stannous chloride dihydrate were injected to group one, followed by intravenous administration of technetium-99m ( 99m Tc) pertechnetate at 30 min interval in 12 subjects. Labeling percentage of each sample was calculated afterwards followed by imag- ing under γ camera. Each parameter was tested on three different patients and average of these three was cal- culated. In second set of experiments done on group two the same procedure was repeated in another 12 sub- jects, while keeping the concentration of Sn PYP constant at 400 µg. In this case, 99m Tc was administered at dif- ferent time intervals in different subjects ranging from 15 to 120 min (15, 30, 60 and 120 min) followed by cal- culation of labeling percentage and imaging under γ camera. In group one, average percentage values of bind- ing of red blood cells with 99m Tc were 23.24, 84.88, 83.78 and 60.33% for concentrations of 200, 400, 600 and 800 µg, respectively. In group two, average percentage binging values of 22.26, 84.36, 55.54 and 28.67% were calculated at time intervals of 15, 30, 60 and 120 min, respectively. It is concluded from the results that the best blood pool imaging under γ camera was observed for the concentration of 400 µg and the time interval of 30 min. The maximum percentage binding of red blood cells with 99m Tc was calculated at concentration of 400 µg
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