Impact of a cold pool parameterization on the diurnal cycle and intraseasonal variability in the GEOS AGCM

A gradual transition from shallow to deep convection may be important both to the continental diurnal cycle of precipitation and to the tropical Madden-Julian Oscillation. However, many existing convection parameterizations transition too readily, with corresponding diurnal and intraseasonal biases. High entrainment rates can be used to delay deep convection, but typically produce mean state biases; this is the "entrainment dilemma." Cold pools and sub-grid organization offer a potential solution to this dilemma, and recent work shows parameterized cold pools can effectively modulate deep convection, with improvements to the diurnal cycle and intraseasonal variability. Here we investigate the effects of a simple prognostic cold pool scheme coupled to the Grell-Freitas convection parameterization, in a set of global simulations with the NASA GEOS model. Air detrained from parameterized downdrafts is maintained in vertically resolved cold pools, which evolve with simplified dynamics. We test several options for cold pool feedbacks on convection, including modifications to deep convective entrainment rates, convective source air properties, and thermodynamic profiles, based on the level of cold pool activity. Cold pool impacts on the diurnal cycle are evaluated against TRMM, and moisture and moist static energy budgets are used to understand changes in tropical intraseasonal variability. Preliminary results show delays in the diurnal cycle of precipitation.
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