Intervención enfermera prequirúrgica para el manejo de la ansiedad

espanolObjetivo: evaluar la efectividad de una visita prequirurgica realizada por las enfermeras del bloque quirurgico en los niveles de ansiedad que presenta en paciente en el periodo perioperatorio. Metodo: se llevo a cabo un ensayo clinico aleatorizado en el que se incluyeron 32 pacientes que van a ser sometidos a intervencion quirurgica (artrodesis de columna/fracturas vertebrales), divididos en un grupo experimental a los que se les realizaba una intervencion informativa y educativa por parte de las enfermeras y un grupo control al que se le aportaba informacion habitual solo por parte del equipo de anestesia. Se midieron los niveles de ansiedad en ambos grupos antes y despues de recibir ambas informaciones mediante el cuestionario de ansiedad-rasgo STAI (State Trai Anxiety Inventory) como instrumento de medida. Resultados: se observo que los datos del test STAI en la primera toma de medidas (antes de la intervencion enfermera) no mostraban resultados estadisticamente significativos (p= 0,340). En la medicion posterior a la intervencion enfermera se produce un descenso en la media de ansiedad medida en el grupo experimental, mientras que en el grupo control se produce un aumento, llegando a una diferencia de 20,25 puntos entre ambos grupos, estas diferencias son estadisticamente significativas (p= 0,040). Conclusiones: al aumentar la informacion y formacion de los pacientes, disminuye la ansiedad y, por tanto, aumenta el grado de satisfaccion, de confort y de calidad, por lo que se considera a esta intervencion de Enfermeria como una accion de mejora de la calidad asistencial. EnglishObjective: to evaluate the effectiveness of a preoperative visit by the Surgery Unit nurses upon the levels of anxiety presented by a patient during the perioperative period. Method: a randomized clinical trial was conducted, which included 32 patients who were about to undergo a surgical procedure (spinal fusion / vertebral fracture). The patients were split into an experimental group, who received an informative and educational intervention by the nurses, and a control group, who received the usual information by the anesthesia care team only. The anxiety levels were measured in both groups before and after receiving both types of information, using the State Trait Anxiety Inventory Questionnaire (STAI) as measurement tool. Results: it was observed that the STAI test data in the first measurement (before the nursing intervention) did not show statistically significant results (p= 0.340). In the measurement after the nursing intervention, there was a reduction in the mean anxiety level measured in the experimental group, while there was an increase in the control group, reaching a 20.25 point difference between both groups, which represents statistically significant differences (p= 0.040). Conclusions: an increase in the information and training for patients will lead to a reduction in anxiety, and therefore, there will be an increase in the level of satisfaction, comfort and quality; for this reason, this Nursing intervention is considered an action of improvement in the quality of patient care.
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