Martial et Sénèque: affinités entre deux Latins d' Espagne

In spite of their different social position and unequal status of the literary genres they have practised, one can see close relationship between Seneca and Martial. Within the respective frames of the letter and of the epigram and  through the common choice of an esthetic of fragment, both writers have developped a style favouring the impact of pointed formula. With regards to morals, Seneca, giving an important place to the praecepta besides the dogmata, will multiply the descriptions of human behaviour, while Martial, too often considered as a bufoon, is weaving an authentic discourse on man : so that the former’s letters and short dialogues appear on many subjects as a repertory of epigrammatic themes. Finally, if one adopts our thesis championing the authenticity of the epigrams «attributed to» Seneca, one will see in these short pieces of poetry an anticipation of not only the themes but of some of the most conspicuous techniques of Martial’s epigrams.
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