Co-ordination network for lignin—standardisation, production and applications adapted to market requirements (EUROLIGNIN)

AbstractLignin is one of the most abundant renewable raw materials available on earth. Despite its unique characteristics as a naturalproduct with multiple chemical and biophysical functionalities, it is largely under-exploited because of its image as low qualityand low added value material. Also a complete lack of any organised professional co-ordination and communication toolsexplicitly dedicated to lignin market promotion is one of the major drawbacks for the further development of commercialapplications for lignin. As remedy, the thematic multi-partner network called EUROLIGNIN has been started in August 2002till July 2005 with financial support of the European Commission.The major goal of this project is accelerated introduction of sustainable, high-value, lignin-based raw materials derived fromleftovers in pulp and paper, and biomass processes to industry and consumers. This will be accomplished by compilation offundamental information packages on existing and future lignin production and utilisation to create defined actions in researchprojects and technology activities that very precisely and with direct economic implications show the way to increased use oflignin. EUROLIGNIN consists of 26 participants including lignin producers, research centres, universities and lignin end usersfrom 16 European countries resulting in a well-balanced consortium.© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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