Dependence of Wet Depositions of Sulfates and Nitrates in Primorskii Krai on Cyclone Trajectories

An analysis is made of the cyclone trajectories for 2003–2013 in order to gain insight into the influence of their genesis on the generation of the flow of wet depositions of acid-forming substances over the territory of Primorsky krai and a part of the water area of the Sea of Japan. All the cyclones crossing the region of interest during the period under investigation have been considered. Seven types of cyclones have been identified according to the location of their genesis and trajectories. Annual and seasonal variability of their number of occurrence as well as variability in pressure at the cyclone center has been shown for each of them. Using precipitation data from EANET monitoring station Primorskaya, concentrations and deposition fluxes of sulfates and nitrates have been calculated for each cyclone type. It is shown that more than half of all sulfates and nitrates deposited at the stations with precipitation caused by the cyclones originating outside the territory of the Russian Federation. A significant correlation of variability in mean annual deposition fluxes of sulfates and nitrates in precipitation of these cyclones is indicative of the common sources of input of acid-forming substances into precipitation of the five cyclone types.
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