Specific features of ecology of chars of the genus Salvelinus (Salmonidae) from the basin of Lake Kronotskoe (Kamchatka) according to parasitological data

A parasitological study was performed of chars of the genus Salvelinus inhabiting Lake Kronotskoe (Kamchatka Peninsula)—S. malma, S. albus, S. schmidtii, and S. kronocius, as well as of juvenile Salvelinus spp. Twenty-three species of parasites, including six species new for the lake, Hennequya zschokkei, Protteocephalus longicollis, Diphyllobothrium dendriticum, Crepidostomum sp., Echinorhynchus salmonis, and Paracanthobdella livanowi, were found. With consideration of published data, in chars of this water body, 28 species of parasites were recorded, including seven species (N. cf. pungitius, B. luciopercae, Crepidostomum sp., Cr. fausti, Cr. cf. cooperi, Eubothrium crassium, and Proteocephalus sp.), whose presence or species identification in the lake ecosystem need confirmation. Two species (N. rutili and Diphyllobothrium sp.) are removed from the list. Parasites common for all species of chars were revealed. They include Myxobolus arcticus, E. salvelini, D. ditretum, Crepidostotum sp., Cr. farionis, Cr. metoecus, Cystidicola farionis, Cucullanus truttae, Philonema oncorhynchi, and Salmincola carpionis. Cluster analysis of the fauna of parasites of different species of chars demonstrated considerable differences in infestation, which indicates differences between them in preference for food items and occupied biotopes and thereby supports the ecological differentiation of chars in the basin of Lake Kronotskoe. S. albus and S. kronocius are most similar in parasitofauna, which is determined by their predation; S. malma as a benthophage is infected by the same species of parasites, but considerably less intensively. Extremely high indices of population numbers of some parasite species are considered as a manifestation of the Krebs cycle in parasites under the conditions of an isolated lake.
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