Hoop strength and ductility evaluation of irradiated fuel cladding

Abstract The objective of this study is to evaluate the hoop-directional mechanical properties comprising strength such as yield strength and ultimate tensile strength as well as mechanical ductility such as uniform elongation and total elongation. Therefore, in this paper, the ring tensile tests were performed in order to evaluate the mechanical properties of high burn-up fuel cladding under a hoop loading condition in a hot cell. The tests were performed with Zircaloy-4 nuclear fuel cladding whose burn-up is approximately 65,000 MWd/tU in the temperature range of room temperature to 800 °C. All the experiments were carried out at a constant strain rate of 0.01/s. On the basis of the ring tensile tests for a high burn-up Zircalay-4 cladding, the following conclusions were drawn. Firstly, the mechanical properties are abruptly degraded beyond 600 °C, which corresponds to a design-basis accident condition such as a RIA. Secondly, the un-irradiated fuel cladding showed ductile fracture behaviors such as 45° shear type fracture, cup and cone type fracture, cup and cup type fracture and chisel edge type fracture. While the high burn-up Zircalay-4 cladding showed a brittle fracture behavior even at the high temperatures (e.g. over 600 °C) which are achievable during a RIA. Thirdly, in the case of the high burn-up Zircalay-4 cladding, the strength, ductility and the energy to break are strongly dependent on the material property itself which are degraded by oxidation and hydriding during an operation rather than the temperature. Fourthly, hydride rim formation in the vicinity of metal–oxide interface can play an important role in the degradation of the mechanical properties for high burn-up fuel cladding.
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