An SDI for archaeological data with a RESTful interface to semantically modeled information

The poster focuses on current activities carried out within a bi-national research project "HIGEOMES - Die historische Geographie Obermesopotamiens im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr.". Motivated by the increase of archaeological and epigraphic sources in recent decades the project aims at an integrated analysis and transparent access of these heterogeneous data. A designed application needs to consider that archaeological data contain absolute geography - the association with a specific geographic location, while epigraphic data imply relative geography - the topological relation of places. The solution is provided by a Web GIS interface supporting scientists to better understand interdependencies and contribute to a superior comprehension of past societies. Archaeology comprises a vast amount of heterogeneous datasets with relevant spatial reference. Dissemination of these data is essential, in order to link knowledge of different research groups. Standards and technologies that are being developed with the advent of spatial data infrastructures appear suitable to achieve this objective. The European SDI initiative (INSPIRE) clearly targets environmental data, it is predominantly enforced in the administrative sector and only obliges to ensure access to data on legally protected sites (EU 2007). However, the initiative can be utilized as a driving force for the exchange of research data and is extensible to other domains. For the archaeological research community this presents an opportunity to facilitate transparent access on research data and thus enrich knowledge of individual scientists. This could be a motivation for the cultural heritage community to envision a broader approach and ensure data dissemination that goes beyond legally protected sites (MCKEAGUE et al. 2012). FERNANDEZ FREIRE et al. (2012) have proposed a Cultural Heritage Application Schema to realize this task. The HIGEOMES portal uses an infrastructure based on OGC Web services to facilitate the exchange of collected archaeological information among project partners and to ensure external researchers an interoperable access to it. Archaeological find spots collected at the University of Mainz are shared via a Web Feature Service (WFS) along with Web Map Services (WMS) portraying relevant raster imagery. A Web GIS client acts as an entry point for visualization and simple analysis of the find spot locations.
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