Local staging of pancreatic cancer : criteria for unresectability of major vessels as revealed by pancreatic-phase, thin-section helical CT

This study was conducted to determine the criteria for unresectability of major peripancreatic vessels in patients with pancreatic carcinoma as revealed by optimally enhanced, pancreatic-phase thin-section helical CT.Twenty-five patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma who underwent local dissection during curative or palliative surgery also underwent preoperative pancreatic-phase thin-section helical CT (40- to 70-sec delay, 2.5- to 3-mm collimation). Tumor involvement of the portal and superior mesenteric veins and the celiac, hepatic, and superior mesenteric arteries was prospectively graded on a 0-4 scale based on circumferential contiguity of tumor to vessel. Subsequent surgical results were then correlated with the CT grades.At surgery, definitive evaluation was possible for 80 vessels. Forty-eight of 48 vessels graded 0 and three of three vessels graded 1 were resectable. Four of seven vessels graded 2, seven of eight vessels graded 3, and 14 of 14 vessels graded 4 were unresectable. A threshold of ...
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