Prevalence of MRSA in diabetic foot infections in a community teaching hospital

Goal/purpose: One out of every five Americanswill be diagnosed ith diabetesmellitus, and suffer such complications as foot ulcertion and infection. Furthermore, a diabetic foot infection has been ssociated with a fifteen-year decrement in life expectancy. We nvestigated MRSA prevalence rates, of diabetic lower extremity nfections at a community teaching hospital. Methods: After institutional reviewboard approvalwas granted, retrospective chart review was conducted of a random sampling f patients who were admitted to our hospital with a primary iagnosis of a diabetic-related lower extremity infection. Demoraphical and bacterial isolate information was collected from ecords and microbiologic reports. Statistical analysis was perormed using Minitab 16.0. Results: Our sample consisted of 50 patients. The mean age was 7.24 years. 44.90% used tobacco products. 83.67% had a history of eripheral vascular disease and 82% had experienced a prior foot lcer. 42.86% had undergone previous foot surgery. Gram-positive rganisms were found in 98% of cultured wounds; gram-negative rganisms in 64%, and 62% had both types. MRSAwas isolated from 0% of the patients. In our institution, the 2009 MRSA rate was 8.15% (p-value =0.085). Conclusion: Our findings are consistent with our institution’s RSA prevalence. Furthermore, previous studies looking at the revalence of MRSA in diabetic foot ulcers have also reported simiar rates. Thus, efforts to curb the spread of this pathogen have thus ar not been successful.
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