Effects of applied load on formation and reorientation of zirconium hydrides: A multiphase field modeling study

Abstract The effects of applied load on the formation and reorientation of δ hydrides in α -zirconium matrix are studied by a multiphase field model. Simulations with only one hydride seed indicate that the hydride reorientation occurs only when a tensile or compressive strain of ~0.02 is applied along 11 2 ¯ 0 (hoop or circumferential direction) or 0001 (radial direction aligned with the basal pole direction), respectively. However, two-seed and multi-seed hydride simulations show the significant influence of neighboring hydrides on the required load for reorientation, reducing it by more than one order of magnitude and making it comparable to the experimental results. Through phase-field simulations, this work suggests that the hydride reorientation happens more easily when clusters of hydrides are present, and the required external load for reorientation is within the elastic limit of the cladding material.
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