Author Correction: ZSCAN10 expression corrects the genomic instability of iPSCs from aged donors

In the version of this Article originally published, Supplementary Fig. 6j showed incorrect values for the LS and AG4 glutathione samples, and Fig. 5c and Supplementary Fig. 6j did not include all n = 6 samples for the hESC, Y-hiPSC and AG4-ZSCAN10 groups as was stated in the legend. In addition, the bars for hESC, Y-hiPSC, AG4-ZCNAN10, AG4 and LS in Supplementary Fig. 6i and j have been reproduced from Fig. 5b and c, respectively. Fig. 6e was also reproduced in the lower panel of Supplementary Fig. 6h, to enable direct comparison of the data, however this was not explained in the original figure legends. The correct versions of these figures and their legends are shown below, and Supplementary Table 5 has been updated with the source data for all numerical data in the manuscript.
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