Effect of ignition energy on the uncertainty in the determination of laminar flame speed using outwardly propagating spherical flames

Abstract The initial propagation processes of expanding spherical flames of CH 4 /N 2 /O 2 /He mixtures at different ignition energies were investigated experimentally and numerically to reduce the effect of ignition energy on the accurate determination of laminar flame speeds. The experiments were conducted in a constant-volume combustion bomb at initial pressures of 0.07 − 0.7 MPa, initial temperatures of 298 − 398 K, and equivalence ratios of 0.9 − 1.3 with various Lewis numbers. The A-SURF program was employed to simulate the corresponding flame propagation processes. The results show that elevating the ignition energy increases the initial flame propagation speed and expands the range of flame trajectory which is affected by ignition energy, but the increase rates of the speed and range decrease with the ignition energy. Based on the trend of the minimum flame propagation speed during the initial period with the ignition energy, the minimum reliable ignition energy (MRIE) is derived by considering the initial flame propagation speed and energy conservation. It is observed that MRIE first decreases and then increases with the increasing equivalence ratio and monotonously decreases with increasing initial pressure and temperature. As the Lewis number rises, MRIE increases. The results also suggest that during the data processing of the spherical flame experiment, the accuracy of determination of laminar flame speeds can be enhanced when taking the flame radius influenced by MRIE as the lower limit of the flame radius range. Then the flame radius influenced by MRIE was defined as RFR. It can also be found that there exist nonlinear relationships between RFR and the equivalence ratio and Lewis number, and the RFR decreases with increasing initial pressure and temperature.
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