Proteomic study of endothelial dysfunction induced by AGEs and its possible role in diabetic cardiovascular complications

Abstract Endothelial dysfunction is one of the primary steps in the development of diabetes associated cardiovascular diseases. Hyperglycemic condition in diabetes promotes accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the plasma, that interact with the receptor for AGEs (RAGE) present on the endothelial cells and negatively affect their function. Using Human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs) in culture, the effect of glycated human serum albumin on global proteomic changes was studied by SWATH-MS, a label free quantitative proteomic approach. Out of the 1860 proteins identified, 161 showed higher abundance while 123 showed lesser abundance in cells treated with glycated HSA. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that the differentially regulated proteins were involved in various processes such as apoptosis, oxidative stress etc. that are associated with endothelial dysfunction. Furthermore, the iRegulon analysis and immunofuorescence studies indicated that several of the differentially regulated proteins were transcriptionally regulated by NF-κB, that is downstream to AGE-RAGE axis. Some of the important differentially regulated proteins include ICAM1, vWF, PAI-1 that affect important endothelial functions like cell adhesion and blood coagulation. qPCR analysis showed an increase in expression of the AGE receptor RAGE along with other genes involved in endothelial function. AGE treatment to HUVEC cells led to increased oxidative stress and apoptosis. This is the first proteomics study that provides insight into proteomic changes downstream to AGE-RAGE axis leading to endothelial dysfunction and predisposing to cardiovascular complications. Significance Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major pathological outcome in diabetic patients and it is important to address ways that target its development before the onset. Elevated plasma AGEs in diabetes can affect endothelial function and can continue to show their effects even after blood glucose levels are back to normal. Since endothelial dysfunction acts as one of the initiating factors for the development of CVD, understanding how AGEs affect the endothelial cell proteome to cause dysfunction will provide insight into the mechanisms involved and aid designing new therapeutic approaches.
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