Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de girassol avaliadas por condutividade elétrica

The seed quality evaluation is essential in quality control programs. Thus, vigor tests have been developed to differentiate seed lots, due to the limitations of the germination test. This study aimed at evaluating the electrical conductivity test efficiency for determining the physiological quality of sunflower seeds. Ten lots of sunflower seeds (Catissol and Multissol cultivars) were used. Initially, the quality of each lot was determined, besides the seeds moisture content, by using tests of germination, first counting and seedling emergence, in a greenhouse. Then, the seeds were submitted to the electrical conductivity test, for four soaking periods (6, 12, 18 and 24 hours), by using disposable plastic cups containing 25 and 50 seeds, in 50 mL and 75 mL of deionized water, at 25°C and 30°C. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 5x4 factorial scheme (five lots and four soaking periods), separately for each cultivar, with four replications. It was possible to conclude that the electrical conductivity test combining 25°C, 75 mL of deionized water and 50 seeds was sufficiently sensitive to evaluate the physiological quality of sunflower seeds.
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