Comparison of GFDM and OFDM with respect of SER, PSD and PAPR

As the technology grows up and the increase in the use of technology, it is a need of time to improve our communication systems, to face the diverse applications we people need to work on; the improved data rate, low battery consumption, robust systems and better response time. For all these we need to utilize the bandwidth as efficient as possible. Here our focus will be on the physical layer waveforms including the Power Spectral density, Bit error rate performance and peak to average power ration of Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) and Orthogonal Frequency division multiplexing(OFDM). After introduction of both GFDM and OFDM this paper includes 1) why we need waveforms and what are the possible techniques for the next coming generation; 2) Complete analysis with bock diagram; 3) Bit error rate based performance and the effects of channels; 4) Power spectral density (PSD) comparison; 5) Peak to average power ration base comparison 6) Frame wise comparison 7) The summery of all, where GFDM lag and where this technique is helpful.
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