The Benefits of Using a Consistent Tangent Operator for Viscoelastoplastic Computations in Geodynamics

Strain localization is ubiquitous in geodynamics and occurs at all scales within the lithosphere. How the lithosphere accommodates deformation controls, for example, the structure of orogenic belts and the architecture of rifted margins. Understanding and predicting strain localization is therefore of major importance in geodynamics. While the deeper parts of the lithosphere effectively deform in a viscous manner, shallower levels are characterized by an elastoplastic rheological behavior. Herein we propose a fast and accurate way of solving problems that involve elastoplastic deformations based on the consistent linearization of the time-discretized elastoplastic relation and the finite difference method. The models currently account for the pressure-insensitive Von Mises and the pressure-dependent Drucker-Prager yield criteria. Consistent linearization allows for resolving strain localization at kilometer scale while providing optimal, that is, quadratic convergence of the force residual. We have validated our approach by a qualitative and quantitative comparison with results obtained using an independent code based on the finite element method. We also provide a consistent linearization for a viscoelastoplastic framework, and we demonstrate its ability to deliver exact partitioning between the viscous, the elastic, and the plastic strain components. The results of the study are fully reproducible, and the codes are available as a subset of M2Di MATLAB routines.
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