Penatalaksanaan Impaksi Kaninus Kiri Atas dengan Posisi Horisontal pada Anak

Impaksi kaninus memiliki prevalensi tinggi setelah impaksi molar ketiga. Impaksi kaninus atas terjadi 2 kali lebih banyak pada anak perempuan daripada laki-laki. Inklinasi letak gigi terhadap garis median wajah lebih dari 45 0 memiliki prognosis jelek untuk erupsi. Tujuan laporan kasus ini adalah memberikan informasi penatalaksanaan impaksi kaninus kiri atas pada anak dengan pembedahan. Kasus ini dilaporkan pada anak perempuan usia 12,5 tahun yang datang di klinik Kedokteran Gigi Anak RSGM Prof Soedomo dengan keluhan utama seringkali sakit kepala sisi kiri serta gigi 23 belum erupsi. Berdasarkan anamnesis, pemeriksaan klinis dan radiologis tampak gigi 23 posisinya horisontal, perlu dilakukan odontectomy dengan metode in toto . Gigi 63 dipertahankan karena tidak ada luksasi. Traksi secara ortodontik pada pasien ini tidak dilakukan karena letak gigi 23 dalam dan posisinya horisontal. Kesimpulan laporan kasus ini adalah impaksi gigi 23 dengan posisi horizontal kemungkinan dapat menimbulkan sakit kepala. Odontectomy gigi 23 berhasil dengan baik melalui pembuatan flap envelope dan penjahitan interrupted. Kontrol pada hari ke-7 dan setelah 1 bulan, pasien tidak mengeluhkan sakit kepala sisi kiri. ABSTRACT: Management of Horizontally Impacted Maxillary Left Canines in Children. Impacted canines have a high prevalence after impacted third molar. Impacted maxillary canines occur twice more often in female children than male ones. The location of the tooth inclination towards the midline of the face which is more than 450 has a poor prognosis for eruption. The purpose of this case report is to provide information of surgical management of impacted maxillary left canines in children with local anesthetic. This case was reported in 12.5 year old girl who came to the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the Dental Hospital of Prof Soedomo with the chief complaint of left-sided headache as well as unerupted tooth 23. Based on the history, clinical and radiologic examination, it appeared that tooth 23 was in horizontal position, and it needed to be treated with odontectomy with in toto method. In the checkup on the 7th day, an ulcer on injury appeared. Tooth 63 was maintained because there was no shakiness (only one third root resorbtion). Orthodontic traction in this patient was not performed because the location of tooth 23 was deep and the position was horizontal. The conclusion of this case report is that horizontally impacted 23 can possibly cause headache. Tooth 23 odontectomy was done successfully through envelope flap creation and ended with interrupted suture. On the checkup on the 7th day and after the 1st month, the patient did not complain of headache anymore.
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