Antracnose foliar e produtividade de sorgo cultivado em áreas de várzea tropical e terras altas Anthracnose foliar and productivity of sorghum grown in tropical lowland and upland areas

-1 de nitrogenio). A avaliacao da severidade da antracnose foi realizada utilizando uma escala de notas. Na coleta, determinou-se a produtividade dos genotipos com base na massa dos graos. Foram registrados diferentes padroes de progresso da antracnose nos genotipos avaliados quando comparadas as duas areas de estudo. Houve diferenca na produtividade de graos em resposta as doses de nitrogenio aplicadas. A suscetibilidade do genotipo BRS 310 pode estar associada principalmente as condicoes de cultivo, tendo em vista sua maior sensibilidade a antracnose foliar quando cultivado em terras altas. O genotipo DOW 1F305 foi menos sensivel a antracnose e apresentou menor produtividade de graos independente da condicao de cultivo. Palavras-chave: Colletotrichum graminicola, Sorghum bicolor, cerrado Abstract: Sorghum is the fifth most-produced cereal in the world and a limiting production factor is the incidence of diseases such as anthracnose (Colletotrichum graminicola). This study aimed to evaluate the incidence and progress of anthracnose and yield of different genotypes of sorghum in tropical lowland and highlands conditions. To this, three sorghum genotypes were used: DOW 1F305, A9735R and BRS 310. At 30 days after planting (DAP), the experiment was carried out with the application of topdressing (40 and 80 kg ha -1 of nitrogen). The assessment of the severity of anthracnose was performed using the score scale. At harvest, the productivity was determined genotypes based on the weight of the grains. Different patterns were recorded progress of anthracnose in genotypes compared to the two study areas. There was difference in grain yield in response to nitrogen levels. The susceptibility of genotype BRS 310 may be associated mainly to growing conditions, given their greater sensitivity to leaf anthracnose when grown in the highlands. The DOW 1F305 genotype was less sensitive to anthracnose and showed lower grain yield regardless of culture condition.
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