Introducing the glucogram: Description of a novel technique to quantify clinical significance of acute hyperglycemic events

importance of hyperglycemia in the intensive care unit (ICU) is well established. However, little is known regarding the clinical predictive value of acute hyperglycemic events. This report describes a graphical model that quantifies the correlation between momentum/stochastic indicators, acute hyperglycemia, and clinical events in chronic ICU patients. The model is based on previously described principles of graphical representations of biomedical parameter data. We hypothesize that acute hyperglycemic events are significantly associated with major clinical events and that the model described herein helps to better characterize and quantify this important relationship. Cite as: Stawicki SP, Schuster D, Liu JF, Kamal J, Erdal S, Gerlach AT, Whitmill ML, Lindsey DE, Thomas YM, Murphy C, Steinberg SM, Cook CH. Introducing the glucogram: Description of a novel technique to quantify clinical significance of acute hyperglycemic events. OPUS 12 Scientist
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