Identification of cells secreting a thymostimulin-like substance and examination of some histoenzymatic pathways in aging avian primary lymphatic organs: II. Bursa of Fabricius

The Bursa of Fabricius of 15 day, 1-, 3-, and 6 month-old adult chickens (White Leghorn strain) were studied by histological and histochemical staining, histoenzymatic reactions (LDH, SDH, a-GPDH, NAD, NADPH, Ca++-dependent ATP-ase, pH 8.5) and by anti-thymostimulin immunoreaction. Positive reactions for mucopolysaccharides and enzymatic activities were located in the epithelia of the follicles, i.e. in follicleassociated- epithelium (FAE), inter-follicle-epithelium (IFE) and in different epithelial compartments of cortical and medullary zones. Positive reaction for thymostimulin-like (TSlike) substance was restricted to FAE cells and weakly to the basal lamina of IFE. In 6-month-old chickens, the FAE cells disappeared; the phenomenon of bursal regression was evident, although not all the follicles were involved. In the few still normal follicles, the good reactivity to the enzymes tested suggests that residual physiological activity is still present, even if reduced.
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