İş Doyumunun Duygusal Emek Üzerine Etkisi: Bahçeşehir ve Esenyurt Bölgesindeki Mevduat Bankaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma (The Effect of Job Satisfaction's on the Emotional Labor: A Study of the Deposit Banks in the Bahçeşehir and Esenyurt Region)

Turkish Abstract: Literaturde is doyumu ve duygusal emege yonelik birbirinden farkli sektorlerde gerceklestirilmis arastirmalar bulunmaktadir. Bu arastirma ise minnesota is tatmin olcegi ve duygusal emek olcegi birlikte kullanilarak is doyumu ile duygusal emek arasindaki iliskiyi analiz etmektedir. Arastirmanin orneklemi Istanbul Ili Bahcesehir ve Esenyurt bolgesindeki mevduat bankalarinda calisan 151 bankacidan olusmaktadir. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 22 paket istatistik programi kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Cronbach’s Alpha katsayisi 0,887 olan arastirma sonucunda her iki degisken arasinda %32,5 kuvvetinde pozitif yonlu bir korelasyon oldugu tespit edilmistir. Anovasi %1 istatistiksel anlamlilik duzeyinde gecerli olan regresyon analizinde ise ankete katilan bankacilarin is doyumlarinin duygusal emeklerine %30,4’luk bir etkisi oldugu saptanmistir. R2 %10,6. English Abstract: There are many studies conducted in different sectors related to job satisfaction and emotional labor in the literature. This research analyzes the relationship between job satsfaction and emonational labor using the minnesota job satisfaction scale and the emotional labor scale together. The sample of this research consists of 151 bankers working in deposit banks in Istanbul, Bahcesehir and Esenyurt districts. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 22 package statistical program. The alpha coefficient was found to be 0,887. A positive correlation was found between the two variables with 32,5% strength. Anova test of all regression analyzes is valid at 1% statistical significance level. In the regression analysis, it was found that job satisfaction of the bankers surveyed had an effect of 30,4% on emotional labor. R² 10,6%.
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