Copli associé à un polynôme de degré n

From the cofold geometric definition given in [1], we set an algebraic relation which allows the cofold C(x), associated with a polynomial P n (x) of degree n, to be determined. We introduce a computer algebra method to calculate C(x). We explicity exhibit C(x) when P n (x) (n=3,4,5) is the derivative of a Thom's potential. The definition of the actual cofold for the singular approximation of slow-fast systems is given. The generalization to polynomials in two variables is offered On etablit une relation algebrique qui permet de determiner le copli C(x) associe a un polynome P n (x) de degre n, et on presente une methode de calcul formel pour l'obtenir. On donne explicitement C(x) lorsque P n (x) (n=3,4,5) est la derivee d'un potentiel de Thom. On definit le vrai copli pour l'approximation singuliere d'un systeme lent rapide. On propose une generalisation pour des polynomes de 2 variables
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