Online Malaysian Bumiputera and Aslian Language Researchers’ Database (OMBALRD): Solution for Bumiputera and Aslian Languages Preservation

This study focuses on the development of Online Malaysian Bumiputera and Aslian Language Researchers’ Database, formerly known as OMBALRD. The development of the system is motivated due to the challenges to obtain the information of Bumiputera and Aslian languages that have been or being studied by the other researchers. The idea on developing OMBALRD was taken from the effort of Anthony Aristar and Helen Aristar-Dry for the purpose of enabling the linguists to meet on the cyber world and share their language studies and documentation. Assisted by the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology, OMBALRD has been developed using the web-based application such as PHP, MySQL, and Apache to cater the recording and reporting of the previous language studies done by the other researchers. The development of OMBALRD is inspired by the feasibility study done in previous research titled “Generating an Online Malaysian Bumiputera and Aslian Language Researcher’s Database (OMBALRD),” which revealed the criteria needed indeed for online database such as the purpose of the databases, the targeted audience, accessibility, search-keyword usage, and design layouts. This paper will discuss in detail the development of OMBALRD using SDLC method.
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