GUARDIAN : emergency response system with incremental information delivery model

In the modern world, people have to face many dangerous situations: from robberies, rapes and fires to car accidents or murders. Most of the crimes included in the police statistics could be detected on the spot, if the emergency services could react early enough. The response time is one of the main factors in any rescue operation in order to maximize the chance of saving a human’s life. There exist a number of solutions to presented issue ([3], [11], [12], [15]). The most promising are IT Emergency Response Systems (ERS) and IT Rapid Emergency Response Systems (RERS), which seem to have the shortest response time. The domain of ERS systems is still dynamically developed and many new solutions appear ([23], [24]). However, they are still imperfect, mainly because of their approach to reporting threats and delivering information about accident during rescue procedures [7]. The goal of this paper is the presentation of GUARDIANEmergency Response System developed at the Warsaw Military University of Technology. The article also describes an incremental information delivery model and the idea of Safety-Oriented Society. The last section presents guidelines which technologies are the best to implement the new model of information delivering and its utilization during rescue procedures. The article does not describe in detail the organization of rescue action management. More information about this problem can be obtained in [14] and [16]. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the GUARDIAN project and shortly describes its essential features. In Section 3, the GUARDIAN’s architecture is discussed. Section 4 shows the basic execution path of considered Emergency Response System. In Section 5, the Incremental information delivery model is showed, which is used in GUARDIAN project. Section 6 compares GUARDIAN with the other IT ERS solutions. Section 7 describes realization capabilities of IT Emergency Response Systems. In Section 8, we discuss problems and development opportunities of GUARDIAN. Section 9 shows short summary of our conclusions resulting from work on GUARDIAN system.
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