Given that China's Regions Have Become More Economically Unequal since the Market-Oriented Reforms in 1978, What is the Impact of the Regional Disparities on Economic Growth Overall?

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 CONCEPTUAL MODEL & METHODOLOGY 12 DATA & SUMMARY STATISTICS 17 Data 17 Analysis of descriptive tables and charts 17 REGRESSION RESULTS & FINDINGS 23 The analysis of regression results 23 The outcome of the tested hypothesis 26 Key Findings: Discussion of variables statistically significant 26 Discussion of variables not statistically significant 27 POLICY RELEVANCE 29 CONCLUSION 32 REFERENCE 34 LIST OF TABLES AND CHART Table 1: Variables in the Model 16 Table 2: Overall Data / Data Description 20 Chart 1: Disparity Status among 31 Provinces in China by Year from 1996-2004... 21 Table 3: Comparison Statistics between a Group of Coastal Provinces and a Group of Non-Coastal Provinces 22 Table 4: Regression Results with Different Combinations of Fixed Effect 24 Table 5: Beta Coefficient Values of Model 1 25
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