Otros modos de escribir la historia del cine: la cinematografía mexicana según tres documentales de los últimos años

This article proposes to analyze three Mexican documentary feature films launched in the last years, that have in common their interest to forge, through audiovisual format, a memory about the cinema’s history of that country, and around it, about the domestic-familiar microhistories that involve personally to their directors, restoring certain aspects about that topic in particular, that include the reivindication of popular culture and the projection of private experiencies linked to that construction. Those films, Perdida (Viviana Garcia Besne, 2009), La historia negra del cine mexicano (Andres Garcia Franco, 2016) and Bellas de noche (Maria Jose Cuevas, 2016), stood out for telling some historical particularities about cinema in contrast with the tendency of the called art cinema or author cinema, and they recompose and update, outside the traditional historiographic discipline, those cinematographical phenomena belittled because of their popular features or, in certain cases, because of their controversial character.
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