Purpura fulminans successfully treated with hyperbaric oxygen - A report of 2 cases

Purpura fulminans is a rare but serious postinfectious disorder of children. It appears during the recovery period after some common viral or bacteriologic infections. Its course is fulminant and cacracterized by appearance of diffuse hamorrhage with vasculitis, necrosis and gangrene of skin and subcutaneous tissue, toxemia and shock. The changes are, as rule, located symmetrically on lower limbs and gluteal regions. An ambiguity as to the usage of the term purpura fulminans exists in the literature. Skin manifestations during meningococcus or some other bacteriologic sepsis are also called purpura fulminans by some authors. Current tratment includes steroids, anticoagulants, protein C concentrate, blood derivates, and antibiotics. Since currently accepted therapeutic measures often fail, amputations of toes, fingers, and limbs are frequent. Fatal outcome was described in up to 90% of the cases. Only few paperas suggesting the efficiency of hyperbaric oxygen(HBO) in the treatment of purpura fulminans are available, reporting of a favorable outcome in 85% of the cases. Since purpura fulminans is not listed among the indications for HBO approved by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, new data sugesting the efficiency of HBO in its treatment might be useful in clinical practise.
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