Dynamics of comets and asteroids and their role in earth history : proceedings of a workshop held at the Dynic Astropark 'Ten-Kyu-Kan', August 14-18, 1997

Eugene Shoemaker and the Impact Paradigm in Earth and Planetary Science A. Glikson. Eugene Shoemaker - Bibliography of Impact Papers A. Glikson. Shoemaker Impact Structure in Western Australia F. Pirajno, A. Glikson. A Statistical Test of Correlations and Periodicities in the Geological Records S. Yabushita. The Galactic Theory of Mass Extinctions: an Update M.R. Rampino. NEOs and Impacts: the Galactic Connection W.M. Napier. Oort Cloud Comet Perihelion Asymmetries: Galactic Tide, Shower or Observational Bias? J.J. Matese, et al. Monte-Carlo Simulations of Comet Capture from the Oort Cloud M.J. Valtonen, et al. The Dynamical Evolution of the Atens R. Dvorak. An Asteroid in an Earth-Like Orbit G. Tancredi. Secular Dynamics of Asteroids in the Inner Solar System P. Michel, et al. Towards a Dynamical History of 'Proto-Encke' D.J. Asher, S.V.M. Clube. The Depletion of the 2/1 Gap in the Asteroid Belt S. Ferraz-Mello. The Effect of the Great Inequality on the Hecuba Gap J. Henrard. Meteor Fallings and Other Natural Phenomena between 1500-1750 Tae-Jin Yi. Meteor Showers Associated with the Taurid Complex Asteroids P.B. Babadzhanov. On the Stochasticity of the Asteroid Belt C. Froeschle, et al. Dust Cloud Enhancement around Small Celestial Bodies due to Meteor Stream Impacts T. Nakamura. Hazards to Civilization from the Collision of Minor Bodies H. Koshiishi. Historical Variations in the Meteor Flux as Found in the History of the Koryo Dynasty I. Hasegawa. A Possible Interstellar Origin of Ancient Microspherules Recovered from Paleozoic and Mesozoic Radiolarian Chart in Japan: A Mechanism of their Intrusion into the Solar System S. Miono, S. Minami.
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