Platelet membrane fluidity, platelet membrane lipid pattern and platelet cytosolic Ca2+ content in subjects with vascular atherosclerotic disease

In a group of subjects with vascular atherosclerotic disease (V AD) we examined the platelet membrane fluidity (obtained marking intact resting platelets with TMA-DPH), the platelet membrane cholesteroVphospholipid ratio (CIPL using column chromatography), the platelet membrane individual phospholipids (employing the thin layer chromatography) and the platelet cytosolic Ca2+ content (evaluated marking intact resting platelets with Fura 2-AM). From the obtained data, it is evident that platelet membrane fluidity differentiates normals from V AD subjects. Platelet membrane lipid pattern (CIPL and individual phospholipids) and cytosolic Ca2+ content do not discriminate normals from V AD subjects. In normals the polarization degree of TMA-DPH is significantly correlated to the phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylcholine, while in V AD subjects no relationship is present between the polarization degree of TMA-DPH and the platelet metabolic parameters.
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