Dynamic changes in energy metabolism and electron transport of photosystem II in Nicotiana tabacum infested by nymphs of Bemisia tabaci (Middle East-Asia Minor 1)

Bemisia tabaci Middle East-Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) infestation adversely affected photosynthesis of host plants. In the current study, chlorophyll a fluorescence was measured to determine the effects of MEAM1 nymph infestation of tobacco local and systemic leaves on energy metabolism and electron transport of photosystemII(PSII). The results showed that the density of PSII reaction centres per excited cross section (CS) (RC/CS) of infested and systemic leaves was reduced at 14 and 20 days. In systemic leaves, the number of PSII closed reaction centres (1-qP) increased significantly at 14 and 20 days. Absorption flux per QA− reducing PSII reaction centre (RC) (ABS/RC), trapped energy flux per RC (TRo/RC), and electron transport per RC (ETo/RC) of infested and systemic leaves increased with MEAM1 nymph infestation. The most obvious increase in absorption flux per CS (ABS/CSo) and trapped energy flux per CS (TRo/CSo) of infested and systemic leaves occurred at 14 days. MEAM1 nymph infestation significantly reduced the energy required for PSII QA to be completely reduced (Sm) in tobacco leaves. These results suggested that MEAM1 nymph infestation caused changes in light-harvesting antenna system and deactivation of the reaction centre, resulting in the reduction of photons absorbed by reaction centres per unit area. MEAM1 nymph infestation, particularly the 3rd instar nymphs, decreased light utilization ability and increased excess excitation energy in tobacco leaves. With MEAM1 nymph infestation, the relative electron transport capacity of the entire electron transport chain decreased, and more light energy was used to reduce QA.
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