A method for the treatment of osteonecrosis mesh holder

The present invention discloses a femoral head necrosis mesh supporter for the treatment, which is made of a nickel titanium alloy, comprising: a head, body and tail; head is shaped with a curved groove back hemisphere, body portion is cylindrical; head, body and tail integrally connected, and are hollow inside, head and body wall of the empty strand a plurality of hexagonal through hole, a tail portion having an inner wall and a supporting mesh; first surgery femur marrow cavity after removal of the necrotic bone tissue, the holder into the bone marrow cavity, the mesh supporting putty poured into the grid, again embedded in the hollow interior of the drainage cable holder; present according to the invention for the treatment of osteonecrosis mesh holder, not only improves the effective support of the femoral head collapse improved by physical means, but also from the improved blood supply, decrease in bone pathology core pressure onto the femoral head necrosis, this method can speed up the rehabilitation of patients with bone marrow and resurrection of patients.
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