“Granito Azul Sucuru”: da preocupação ambiental às alternativas de reaproveitamento pela caracterização tecnológica : from environmental concerns to reuse possibilities based on technological characterization

Environmental concerns have become common in mining companies that seek to reconcile development with sustainability concerns. Thus, the possibility of better use of the tailings of the Sucuru Granite is presented. Those deposits are deactivated, located in the region of Cariri Paraibano, mainly in the municipalities of Serra Branca and Sume. The objective of this proposal is the development of the production chain in the region and the preservation of the environment. The environmental field research andthe study of the industrial rocks in this work involved direct observation of the analyzed area and bibliographical research focused on environmental studies. And their possible interface with applications of industrial rocks in civil construction, including laboratory tests that analyzed physical indices, granulometry of the available stone material, and microscopy investigations in thin sections and also in grains, complemented by X-ray diffraction analysis. Therefore, with this study it is possible to envision a better economicand environmental viability for the studied area, in which waste rock and tailings can be used in the form of crushed stone and mortar for industry, in addition to being used as ornamental rock for internal or external wall covering.
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