Profile Of Combination Ketamin Xylazine And Ketamin Midazolam Toward Physiologycal Change In Male Rabbit Profil Penggunaan Kombinasi Ketamin-Xylazine dan Ketamin-Midazolam Sebagai Anestesi Umum Terhadap Gambaran Fisiologis Tubuh pada Kelinci Jantan

This research were observed the comparison between combination of ketamin-xylazine and ketaminmidazolam as general anaesthesia toward heart beat, respiratory rate and body's temperature in male rabbit. Eighteen healthy adult male rabbit about 5-6 month old with 1,5-2 kilogrames (kg) average body weight (BW) were used as tested animals. This rabbit randomly divided into one of two groups. Group one (P1) had been injected using atropine sulfas (0,05 mg/kg BW) subcutan (SC) for premedication and induce by ketamin (25 mg/kg BW) - xylazine (3 mg/kg BW) intramuscular (IM) as anaesthesia. Group two (P2) had been injected using atropine sulfas(0,05 mg/kg BW) SC as premedication and induce ketamin (25 mg/kg BW) - midazolam (2 mg/kg BW) IM as anaesthesia. Heart beat, respiratory rate and body temperature was measured before drugs were given and minutely intervals after the drugs were given (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50). The result showed that a significant difference in respiratory frequency while in heart beat frequency and body temperature, there was not a significant differences. There is a lower decreasing of P2 respiration frequency than P1, regarding the heart beat and body's temperature, there was not significant difference between the changing that experienced by both two research's objects.
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