A Single Institution’s Adherence to Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis Testing Guidelines

Introduction: What was once an under-recognized clinical entity, heparin induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (HITT) has become a well-recognized and frequently tested disease. HITT is a serious and potentially fatal antibody mediated drug reaction to platelet factor 4 and early identification and treatment is essential. The 4T score is well-validated to guide appropriate testing of HITT where a low-probability score of 0-3 equates to a 99.8% negative predictive value for HITT 2,3 . In an effort to promote cost-conscious care and efficient use of healthcare resources, the American Society of Hematology (ASH) recommends against testing for HITT if the 4T score is 3 or less 4 . HITT laboratory testing at our institution is not restricted based on 4T score. We hypothesize that many providers are not following cost-conscious guidelines regarding HITT testing at our institution. Methods: We performed a single-institution retrospective analysis of patients who had a heparin-induced platelet antibody assay with reflexive serotonin release assay ordered between July 1, 2016 to July 1, 2017 at the University of Virginia Medical Center (UVA). We primarily assessed how our institution9s ordering of heparin-induced platelet antibody for HITT compared to ASH9s Choosing Wisely recommendation of forgoing laboratory testing on patients with a 4T score of 0-3 by retrospectively calculating 4T scores on all patients who had laboratory testing 4 . Patients were also assessed for episodes of bleeding and clotting and were scored on severity via the CTCAE and ISTH grading systems. Data on anticoagulant used after HITT testing was collected. We also checked to see if the blood specimen for assay was collected 2 hours after last heparin product as recommended by lab. Patients were excluded if they were not inpatient when their heparin-induced platelet antibody assay was drawn or if they were transferred or discharged immediately after assay was collected. Ultimately, of the initial 196 patients who had heparin-induced platelet antibody assay collected during this time frame, 184 patients were included for analysis. Results: Of the 184 patients who had a heparin-induced platelet antibody assay sent and were included in analysis, 55.4% of the patients (n=102) had a low pre-test probability of HITT with a 4T score of less than or equal to 3. Of the patients who had HITT testing sent, only 44% (n=81) received treatment with a non-heparin anticoagulant. Of the 102 patients who had a low pre-test probability of HITT with a 4T score of ≤3, 37.3% (n=38) were placed on an alternative anticoagulant. Of this low pre-test probability of HITT cohort, 7.8% (n=8) experienced bleeding as a complication. Interestingly, 15.5% (n=29) of all patients who had HITT testing continued to receive heparin products while awaiting results. Additionally, 19.3% (n=36) of samples were drawn within 2 hours of receiving heparin products. Conclusion: The guidelines for HITT testing and treatment have been well-validated and widely disseminated. Despite providers9 familiarity with this clinical entity, the results depict that ordering practices at our institution do not follow guidelines in cost-conscious ordering nor in standard of treatment. Applying ASH9s Choosing Wisely recommendation of not ordering laboratory testing on patients with a 4T low-probability score of 0-3, we see that 55.6% of the HITT assays ordered in this time period were inappropriate and at a cost of $455 to the institution per assay resulted in $46,865 of unnecessary health care costs to our institution in one year9s time. This does not include the cost of alternative anticoagulation. Heparin costs just $0.04 per mL while argatroban costs $3.81 per mL and bivalirudin $12 per mL resulting in a 100 to 300 fold cost increase respectively. Standard work regarding HITT assay collection and treatment does not exist at our institution. Of concern, 15.5% of patients continued to receive heparin products after HITT testing was sent. The results of this study prompted implementation of a quality improvement project to decrease inappropriate HITT testing and standardize treatment of suspected HITT via an electronic medical record order set that uses the 4T score to suggest appropriate ordering of assays. We plan to collect data on changes in our ordering practices after this intervention. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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