Soil gases (222Rn, 220Rn and total radon) and 214Bi measurements across El Avila fault near Caracas, Venezuela

Radon measurements were performed across two sections of the Avila fault near Caracas, Venezuela. The radon concentrations clearly showed the different tectonic features and lithology at the Tacamahaca and Spanish Trail sites. 214Bi (U-cps) measurements also were related to the lithology. The passive radon method employed laboratory-made dosimeters with LR 115, type 2 celulose nitrate films as detectors. They were buried in the ground at 30 cm depth. While, the active radon method was performed with a Pylon radon measurement system with Lucas cells. The soil gas was also sampled at 30 cm depths, but for only one minute, which was sufficient to fill the 150 cm3 Lucas cells completely. The total radon counts were then separated into those corresponding to 222Rn (radon) and 220Rn (thoron) by a simple computer routine. A comparison of the active and passive methods for the Tacamahaca section over a three-month period showed that both methods could locate precisely the active fault trace.
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