Japanese Macaques Depend not Only on Neighbours but also on More Distant Members for Group Cohesion

A well-known behavioural model for group aggregation is that an individual depends on a few neighbouring individuals to adjust its movement, such as departure (repulsion) from and approach (attraction) to neighbours. However, an individual may rely not only on a few closest neighbours, but also on more distant individuals, in a group of stable membership. We measured temporal changes in the local density of individuals around a focal individual and changes in distance to other focal individuals in a group of wild Japanese macaques to determine whether the macaques depended only on a few neighbours or also on more distant individuals for adjustments in cohesiveness. We used simultaneous focal animal sampling, with two observers recording the individuals' locations using a global positioning system (GPS), over three seasons. Numbers of individuals within 20 m from an animal tended to increase after 10 min when there were a small number of individuals around the animal. However, the number tended to decrease when there was a larger number of individuals. It remained similar when there were an intermediate number of individuals. The two focal animals tended to separate after 10 min when the interindividual distance was short. However, they tended to move closer when far apart. They remained a similar distance apart when they were at an intermediate distance. Contact calls, which are suggested to function as locating group members and keeping cohesiveness, were emitted more frequently when the distance between the two focal animals was very large in two seasons. However, the rate of contact calls was not influenced by the number of individuals within 20 m from an animal. These results suggest that individual Japanese macaques do not only rely on a few closest neighbours, but also rely on more distant group members. Japanese macaques may know the general whereabouts of the whole group, and when they stay at the periphery of the group, they may emit contact calls frequently and move towards the central zone so as not to become separated from the group.
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