Volume 1Excavations alongside Roman Ermin Street,Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. The archaeology of the A419/A417 Swindon to Gloucester Road Scheme. Volume 1: Prehistoric and Roman activityVolume 2: Medieval and post-medieval activity, finds and environmental evidence

The Oxford Archaeological Unit undertook a series of excavations along the line of the Swindon to Gloucester DBFO road improvement in 1996 and 1997. The road ran between Nettleton in the Gloucestershire Cotswolds and Cricklade on the Thames in Wiltshire, following the course of Roman Ermin Street for a significant part of its length. Around thirty-five sites of differing types and periods were examined. These included two adjoining Bronze Age ring ditches near Preston, middle Iron Age settlements at Highgate House, Preston and Ermin Farm, late Iron Age enclosures at Duntisbourne Grove and Middle Duntisbourne, a Roman settlement at Birdlip Quarry, and a medieval kitchen block at Street Farm, Latton. There were also a number of discoveries relating particularly to Roman Ermin Street. These included a probable roadside funerary monument and trackway at Field's Farm, Roman trackway ditches and quarries at Court Farm, Latton and part of a late Roman midden at Weavers Bridge. Ermin Street itself was examined with seven trenches through the Roman and later roads. Burford Road (Akeman Street) was examined in two sections with less significant results. Important environmental evidence was obtained from Latton 'Roman Pond' and the Churn Valley. A programme of radiocarbon dating was also undertaken, both in relation to the environmental sequences and the earlier prehistoric and Iron Age sites.
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