La fotografía y la pintura impresionista: un caso de relación arte-tecnología (Photography and Impressionist Painting: A Case of Art-Technology Relationship)

Spanish Abstract: La aparicion de la fotografia en Francia cambio drasticamente el arte pictorico del siglo XIX en Europa, y por esto, algunos artistas y criticos como Charles Baudelaire, criticaron fuertemente el invento como herramienta artistica o como arte mismo pues iba en contra de su teoria mnemonica del arte. La historia mostro que la fotografia no acabo con la pintura, sino que, por el contrario, le abrio a esta ultima nuevas posibilidades tecnicas y artisticas ademas de cambiarle la tarea, a la pintura y al dibujo, de representar la realidad optica visible. Se muestra con este ejemplo una vez mas de como los desarrollos tecnologicos cambian profundamente las concepciones del mundo y de los valores de la vida humana. English Abstract: The advent of photography in France drastically changed the painting concept in the 19th century in Europe. Some artists and critics such as Charles Baudelaire at that time strongly criticized photography as an artistic tool or even as an art in its own right - since photography was contrary to his theory of mnemonic art. Time has proved that photography did not cause painting to disappear, instead it opened new technical and artistic possibilities. Moreover, photography enriched painting and drawing with new tools to represent reality. This is a new example of how technological developments can change the world conceptions and values of human life.
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