Biocatalysis in organic media : proceedings of an international symposium organized under auspices of the Working Party on Applied Biocatalysis of the European Federation of Biotechnology and the Working Party on Biocatalysts of the Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 7-10 December, 1986

Session I. Opening of the Symposium . Biological conversions involving water-insoluble organic compounds (M.D. Lilly et al.). II. Biocatalyst and Medium Engineering. Immobilization of biocatalysts for bioprocesses in organic solvent media (S. Fukui et al.). Enantioselective reactions in aqueous and in organic media using carboxyl esterase fractions obtained from crude porcine pancreas lipase preparations (G.M. Ramos Tombo et al.). Steroid side chain cleavage with immobilized living cells in organic solvents (H.-J. Steinert et al.). Optimization of biocatalysis in organic media (C. Laane et al.). III. Conversions I. Log P as a hydrophobicity index for biocatalysis cofactor regeneration during enzymatic steroid oxidation in organic solvents (A.M. Snijder-Lambers et al.). Multiphase reactors: A new opportunity (M.D. Legoy et al.). Co-immobilization: An alternative to biocatalysis in organic media (R. Kaul et al.). Enzymatic production of chemicals in organic solvents (A.M. Klibanov). IV. Engineering Aspects . Enzyme action and enzyme reversal in water-in-oil microemulsions (C. Oldfield et al.). Water activity in biphasic reaction systems (P.J. Halling). Design of an organic-liquid-phase/immobilized-cell reactor for the microbial epoxidation of propene (L.E.S. Brink, J. Tramper). Phase toxicity in a water-solvent two-liquid phase microbial system (R. Bar). V. Conversions II. Biocatalysis in water-organic solvent two-phase systems (G. Carrea). VI. Specific/Future Applications. Commercial aspects of biocatalysis in low-water systems (P. Critchley). Integration of enzyme catalysis in an extractive fermentation process (M.R. Aires Barros et al.). Nicotinamide cofactor-requiring enzymatic synthesis in organic solvent-water biphasic systems (C.-H. Wong). Enzymatic synthesis of aspartame in organic solvents (K. Oyama). 31 Poster Papers. Author Index.
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