Why?-abetes: Understanding Diabetes Management in Rural Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa

4 USEFUL ACRONYMS 5 RESEARCH QUESTION / OBJECTIVES / JUSTIFICATION 6 CONTEXT AND LITERATURE REVIEW 7 METHODS 11 ETHICS 15 PRESENTATION OF RESULTS/FINDINGS 17 ANALYSIS/REFLECTION 27 CONCLUSIONS 35 BIBLIOGRAPHY 37 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. 2011. CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT GRADES 7-9: LIFE ORIENTATION. DEPARTMENT OF BASIC EDUCATION. PRETORIA: GOVERNMENT PRINTING WORKS. 37 ANNEXURE 1: LIST OF QUESTIONS 40 ANNEXURE 2: IRB ACTION FORM ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.37 Wicklund, Kyra Why?-abetes: Understanding Diabetes Management in Rural Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa 3 Acknowledgements I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Andrew Ross, for giving me some insight into the world of rural health research. I would like to thank Dr. Clive Bruzas for his continued support and guidance throughout the ISP process. I would like to thank my host family for their hospitality—they never let me go to sleep feeling hungry, cold, or sad. I want to thank my translator for her guidance and friendship. And last but not least, I would like to thank Hlobi for making sure that my needs were always met and Thula for driving me
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