Care homes education: what can we learn?

Medical care received by care home residents can be variable. Initiatives, such as matron-led community teams, ensure a timely response to alerts about unwell residents. But early recognition of deterioration is vital in accessing this help. The aim of this project was to design and deliver an education programme for carers. It was hypothesised that the implementation of a teaching programme may result in improved medical care for residents. By understanding the enablers and barriers to implementing teaching, we hoped to identify the components of a successful teaching programme. Four care homes in Enfield received training on topics such as deterioration recognition over a 1-year period. The project was evaluated at 3, 6 and 9 months. Each evaluation comprised: pre-and-post-teaching questionnaires, focus groups, analysis of percentages of staff trained, review of overall and potentially avoidable, hospital admission rates. A Plan–Do–Study–Act cycle structure was used. The programme was well-received by carers, who gave examples of application of learning. Modules about conditions frequently resulting in hospital admission, or concerning real cases, demonstrated the best pre-and-post lesson change scores. However, the reach of the programme was low, with attendance rates between 5% and 28%. Overall, the percentage of staff trained in deterioration recognition ranged from 35% (care home one) to 12% (care home three). Hospital admissions reduced from 37 hospital admissions to 20 over the duration of the project. Potentially avoidable admissions reduced from 16 to 5. Proving causality to the intervention was difficult. Factors facilitating delivery of training included a flexible approach, an activity-based curriculum, alignment of topics with real cases and embedding key messages in every tutorial. Barriers included: time pressures, shift work, low attendance rates, inequitable perception of the value of teaching and IT issues. Care home factors impacting on delivery included: stability of management and internal communication systems. please ensure space here
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